Wednesday, October 14, 2015


 So picture this, you are currently in the middle of having the worst day ever, you know the day. The day you woke up too late and had to get ready for school in 5 minutes so you basically look like a tornado swept through your hair and turned it to a rats nest. You are also wearing those sweatpants that are the baggy ones you promised you would never wear again because they make you look like you gained 10 pounds over night. To make matters worse, you walk into first period 10 minutes late and discover that you have a test today that you forgot about. Your teacher lets you take the test, but you have to get it done by the end of the period like everyone, so you have 15 less minutes to take it. You know you failed the test, or at best got a C-. *For those of you out of school, pick something to imagine that is equally terrifying and horrible, because believe it or not, your morning was just the beginning of the worst day ever. So what do you do? You could sit on the couch with a carton of Ben and Jerry's and sulk, or you could go outside and get some fresh air during a run.
 Running can honestly be a great stress reliever. Going outside and sweating a little gets your body in a state that makes everything else in your life seem to fade away. You are pushing your body to the limit and physically letting off some steam in a way that is more productive in the long run and feel much better than that time you almost broke your leg because you were trying to take out your anger on a tree. You don’t have to worry about anything when you are on a run but the birds chirping in the trees and remembering to put one foot in front of the other. All around you is a world that is moving and pulsing with life, life that moves on even though you have had a crappy day. It reminds you that although you have had a bad day, or week, or month, time will move on and things will get better, even if your crush saw you looking like a bum and your grade in Algebra went from an A- to a B. So next time you are having a sub-par day, consider hitting the pavement. Even if Ben and Jerry seem like much more comforting companions than your running shoes at the time, I promise, going for that 30 minute jog can be a life saver. 

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