Sunday, October 18, 2015


There seems to be a stigma in the general public when it comes to carbs. But as everyone knows, carbs taste good; and as every runner knows, carbs are good for you too. Carbs provide energy for you to get through the day and are especially important for people who spend a great deal of time doing prolonged physical activity, such as running. Eating an excess amount of carbs for a less active person can seem to weigh them down and make them feel a little bloated, but carbs should not be taken out altogether of anyone’s diet. Carbs are the first thing that your body uses up as energy, so they provide that boost that one needs when they are about 5 miles into a long run and seem to have hit a wall, or when you have one final surge left in you as you cross the finish line of a race. Carbs are important for runners, and they taste good too!
For me anyways, I seem to be able to eat a never ending supply of pasta and bread if I wanted to. Now this would not be such a great choice on a normal basis, but “overloading” on carbs can be ok the day before a race to make sure your energy tanks are all at 100%. Don’t go overboard though, because you don’t want to feel heavy right before the race because you have pasta in your stomach. So as a runner, just remember that you are using up the carbs you eat on a regular basis, and they are not always the enemy. Carbs can help you feel stronger, happier, and less fatigued during a run.

For more information on the effects of carbs for runner, please go to

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