Sunday, October 4, 2015

Having a Positive Attitude

        As with many things in life, it is important to try and keep a positive attitude about running. With all the pressure and the drive to success that comes with this sport, it can sometimes be hard to remember to take a step back and relax every once in a while. I mean in all reality, runners, or at least some of my teammates and I, and I am assuming many others around the world, tend to worry and stress about running. We worry about that fact that we had a bad practice. We worry that we didn’t get enough sleep and will run poorly at the next meet. We worry about who is on varsity. We worry too much. If all we do is worry and stress about running, then why do we do it? That is the million dollar question, because when running isn’t fun anymore, what is the point?
       That is what each individual needs to figure out for themselves - what is the point? In other words, why do they run? Sometimes just taking a few minutes to reflect on why you started running will help you to remember the simplicity of running and rejuvenate your passion for the sport, because it’s not all skidded knees and sore legs! Remember the simple times, the happy times. Like when you used to run with your dad in that one road race every year, or the time you realized that you could actually make a name for yourself as a runner, or the day you ran around the block for the first time in a new town, and you saw the sights, felt the wind blow by, and heard the inhale and exhale of your breath as you speed down the street, feeling fast and powerful. Those are the moments that are important to remember. Those moments are vital when you are stuck in the negative spiral that occurs when one capitalizes too much on the competitive, recorded, race aspect of running too much. Those moments can bring you back to the joy and the freedom that running can bring.
       Keeping a positive attitude will also make it easier for you to put the bad days behind you and work toward achieving your goals instead of sulking and being grumpy at practice the next day. It will also help you to enjoy the moment and be a happier, less stressed person. And if that is not enough, please keep in mind that although everyone may like to complain every once in a while about a difficult workout or a horrible race, no one likes the Negative Nelly that always has a frown on their face and can’t go five seconds without making a snarky comment about something or another. So don’t be a Negative Nelly, life is way too short to worry too much about the negatives in life, so concentrate on the good days, move forward from the bad, and always work toward becoming an even better, healthier version of yourself!

Image result for running motivation and inspiration

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