Monday, April 25, 2016


The end of the school year is approaching fast; the track season has about three weeks left for me and the school year will be done in about five weeks. I am excited for summer and all that senior year has to offer me, but unfortunately, our time together is officially over :(. I walked into my Ap Lang class today and was greeted with some new; my class is no longer required to do blogging. Though I would like to say that I will continue to blog anyway, that is regretfully not the truth. I was, and frankly still am, very excited to hear the news that I am done with blogging. I am a very busy person and it was often a hassle to find the time to blog. However, as I sit here writing my final blog I am filled with the desire to reminisce on all of the good old Sundays where I stayed up until 11:00pm scrabbling to finish all of my blogs for the week (sorry Ms.A!). 
           My blogs were nothing special. Most were written in approximately 25 minutes with the goal being to finish in a timely manner and move on to my next homework task. Most of my blogs were essentially word vomits of my feelings and experiences with running and they were certainly not the most well-crafted pieces of literature in the world. I do admit that though I may not always have wanted to blog, I am glad that I did! It has been fun to have these little one-sided conversations with all of you (however small that "you" might be). I appreciate all of you who have read my blogs and hope that if you didn't gain any useful information or insight from my blog that you were at least semi-entertained!  

I wish all of you the best of luck in your running endeavors, no matter what level you are at, and hope that you can muster the inspiration and desire to improve yourself and reach whatever goals you have! Running can suck, but it is something that always seems to bring us back to it. Running seems to fill us with some sort of self-pride that makes all of the discomfort we feel worth it. So with the last click of the “publish” icon, I leave you with one final message: Work hard, run fast, and be the best and most joyous version of yourself that you can be! XOXO. –Ali

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