Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Sports vs. Success in School

        For the average student, the notion that sports could improve academic success might seem like a pretty far-fetched and inaccurate statement. I would have fallen into this category in the past, but that is because I am a hard worker and want to be successful in school for my own personal gain and future prosperity. So for me, sports can sometimes feel almost like an inhibitor when it comes to my grades, because they takes away some of my time and focus from school. Some students however are far more passionate about their sport, and consider it the most important part of their lives, to these people, sports may be the only reason why they are even somewhat successful in school. In order to be involved in extracurricular activities at many schools, the student has to earn a D or better in every class, so this can be a motivator for some people. Being involved in extracurricular also gives students an environment in which they can meet new people and friends whom can help them if need in their schoolwork. 
          In addition to success in school, being heavily involved can also act as a way to keep students out of trouble and on the right track. If a student has always been busy after school and has every second of their day mapped out, then they have no time to experiment and try things that they shouldn't. When people have a lot of free time and are bored, they may try to find things to fill their time and get into partying, drinking, or worse. I am not saying that everyone who doesn't do sports or extracurricular activities will go to parties, and I am certainly not saying that everyone who does drink or do drugs is a bad person, because that is not true. On the other side of this, not every athlete or musician is a good person.
          In addition, many athletes are so focused on being the best that they can be at their craft, so they try to put only the best nutrition into their bodies. These athletes usually don’t want to risk drinking or drugs because they are worried about how it will affect them, so they simply stay away from them. Having a busy and hectic lifestyle is not for everyone, but participating in something as a kid can in fact help some people stick to what is most important and compel them to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

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