Sunday, December 13, 2015


This may seem like a rather obvious or pointless thing to say for some of you out there, but socks are a critical piece of clothing to wear when you run. Now I know, most of you wear socks no matter what you are doing when you are wearing close-toes shoes. Usually that is just because wearing socks is the normal thing to do, plus it prevents your feet from sweating like they are in their own personal little saunas. To continue this line of reasoning, when our feet aren’t sweating as much, there is a much less likely chance that any given room will have to evacuate to the fresh outdoors do to the awful odor that our feet can produce. Though the whole smell issue is clearly enough reason to wear socks, some people don’t know that socks have another function of equal or greater importance.
                Socks help prevent blisters from forming, and for anyone who has had a blister on their big toe knows, which I’m guessing is probably anyone who has ever regularly engaged in any physical activity whatsoever,  blisters are not fun. Blisters and calluses usually don’t bother me that much (unless they are those huge blood blisters) but I mean if you can prevent those nasty looking things that cause mild discomfort from infesting your toes, then why wouldn’t you? That is the beauty of the under appreciated sock. They do more for us as runners and human beings than we give them credit for.
                Also something to note the next time you venture out into the great and mysterious word of athletic apparel, the thicker the sock, the less likely it is that it will tear and cause blisters. Running can be harsh on your socks, especially the flimsy little socks with cute designs on them, so spend the extra money on the good socks that will last longer and better protect your feet from blisters and the overbearing smell that they emit. 

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