Sunday, December 20, 2015

Less Weight, More Reps

A simple word of advice that most of you have probably heard before, but some of you may not have, is that for runners, it is better to do more reps at a lesser weight than more reps at a greater weight when weight lifting. This is because runners need to build up muscle that is effective and strong, while not being overly bulky. Lean muscle is strong and enough to allow a runner to propel themselves for ward and do what they need to accomplish without weighing too much. Runners need to carry their body weight with them as the run, so seemingly, they don’t want to carry too much excess weight around with them, because that will just make it harder for them to run and slow them down. At the same time though, muscle is a great asset to runners and can help them push through and tier less easily, as well as allow them to have greater power in their motion and push offs. So as you can see, there is a delicate balance when it comes to muscle for runners.

One way to reach this balance is to concentrate on body weight exercises. Seeing as when you run, you are dealing with carrying your weight and exercises in which you are only working with your weight can help ensure that you are not bulking up too much, but are still getting a good workout if you do enough reps of each different exercise. These workouts should do a pretty good job of building up enough muscle for most runners to perform well, however, free weights and machines can also be a great way to assist you in gaining muscle mass and endurance. Weights will clearly help you get bigger, and they can be very beneficial, but putting too much weight on your barbell can have a negative effect at some point if it is causing you to gain too much weight, because keep in mind that muscle does weigh more than  fat.  In addition, too much weight can be dangerous if one is not properly advised and prepared. But given all of this, if you are careful and do plenty of reps, you can build strong, lean muscles that will be very beneficial during the season! Just remember that muscle and getting big is not the primary goal for competitive runners, especially those that run distance. I mean there has to be a reason why so many successful cross country runners seem to be twigs right? J

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Off Season Training Sessions

Several of the girls on my team have recently been getting together a few times a week to work on some tactical stuff and conditioning for the upcoming track season. While I often have to work and miss out on some of the trainings, It has certainly helped me get in the gear for track and feel excited and more prepared for this year! My freshman year I did not do nearly enough training for the track season, and it seemed to sneak up on me very fast, so it was certainly a brutal awakening to get back in the swing of things. This year though, I feel like I maintained the fitness and endurance I had built up during the cross country season a little bit more than previous years and have been working to keep it up, though it of course faltered slightly.

I think these short training sessions have helped me to get in the mood for track and to feel more ready and in shape this year. The sessions are also a great way to reconnect with some of the teammates whom you may not have seen for a few months! Your teammates are most likely some of your best friends, and you certainly have to learn how to trust and depend on them when the time comes to compete and give it your all, especially in the case of a relay. That is why these sessions are such a great idea, because they not only provide an opportunity to get reintroduced with your teammates before the season, but it also gives a way for those on your team to more easily make sure they are pulling their weight during the off season so that they can be the best athletes they can when it comes time for the season. It comes down to the  buddy system, when someone on our team knows that there are others out their putting in work, they will feel more obliged to tag along and get in a good workout. It also goes both ways, and you may be more likely to exercise if you know that you can do it with a bunch of your friends, I certainly know that that it the case for me. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Stair Master

The off season is a great time to experiment with different types of cross training other than just running, and one machine that I have found to be very beneficial for me in my training is the Stair Master. I went to the gym with my friend a few weeks ago for the first time and she showed me the machine and said that it is usually the first thing she does before every workout at the gym. I hopped on to the Stair Master next to hers and after spending a few minutes figuring out the groove of the machine and how to start it up, I discovered that it was kind of fun, and hard. The Stair Master got going and it didn't seem too bad for the first few minutes but it steadily gets more and more taxing, similar to the feeling of a tempo run for me. I enjoyed the Stair Master though and felt like it was a great alternative to running because it not only works your circular system, getting you breathing heavy and sweating a lot, it also works your muscles substantially as you work your way up the never ending loop conveyor belt of stairs.
To the people at the gym whom I see working their way through the Stair Master like a champ for nearly an hour, I truly applaud you. Whether it is just because I am new to the Stair Master universe or because it is truly more taxing than running, which I feel is the case because I mean come on, it is a continuous loop of stairs, but either way, the Stair Master does seem to get me tiered far before running will and is a great way to get in a really good workout in less time. I usually go on the Stair Master for around 25 minutes at the beginning of my workout and by that point I am certainly feeling pretty darn tiered! So for those of you who don’t have the time to get a good long run in every day, the Stair Master can be a very efficient way to get in a beneficial workout that will result in increased leg muscle and endurance! In addition, it also has several levels of speed on the machine so one can experiment with different speeds and can work on speed training or distance as one would when they are running on a treadmill. The option of different levels also proves that the Stair Master is adoptable for all different fitness and experience levels, so go ahead and give it a try the next time you hit the gym. 

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Even though not everyone on Earth can benefit from this simple object, it is still a very important and under appreciated part of a lot of people’s lives. This elastic band of toughness is not just a tool for you to use when it is convenient for you, it is also your friend. However, despite its high importance, it is something that a lot of people forget about until they don’t have one when they need it the most. What is this highly coveted and overlooked object you ask? Well, it is something that you will find among the wrist of many young girls as they strut around school. It is also the thing that transforms ones hair from being messily flung every which way around their face to being in a tight and perky pony tail on the top of their head.
Hair ties are nearly critical for any athlete with long hair that doesn’t which to get their hair pulled,  flung in their eyes, of stuck to the sweat on the back of  their neck. You can ask nearly any girl and they will tell you that it is more than a little uncomfortable to run with your hair down, and  the irritation is unbearable for many. Hair ties easily take the annoyance of having long hair and exercising out of the equation. You can move around any which way and your hair will stay out of your face. All one needs to perform this magic trick is to take 30 seconds to pull their  hair up, given that they are indeed in possession of the  before mentioned elastic  band, because if they are not, they will have to undergo the desperate task of many girls in the locker room before them. Those without a pony tail have to look around the room and pinpoint those closest to them who have a pony tail around their wrist. If they know them well enough, or are desperate enough, they will ask to borrow the ponytail, and if the girl whom they ask is nice enough, they will hand over their coveted possession, knowing very well that they will most likely never see it again. If one is not lucky enough to find a ponytail, well then they are about to realize just how under appreciated ponytails truly are. The unlucky ones have to exercise without the protection of a ponytail, and that is clearly a daunting and heart-wrenching task.

Ponytails are not just for the athletic and active among us, they also provide a way to quickly alter the outfit and look that one is going for that day. It allows girls to change up their look from day to day and differ in their style choices. Hair ties are essential in the making of a bun, fishtail, all of the many different types of braids, and lastly, and most obviously, the ponytail. So next time you put your hair up in a ponytail, or watch someone put their hair up if yours is not long enough, take a moment to appreciate the simplicity of the band and the substantial benefit that ponytails have had on society. 

Runner's Knee

There are many major benefits to running when it comes to health. Such benefits include improved cardiovascular health, strength, endurance, and overall fitness. Taking a jog around the block will have a substantially more positive than negative impact on one’s health, however, that being said, running, like everything else in life, has its cons. The major downside to running is that it is an exercise that is very hard and unforgiving on the joints of one’s body. 
The repetitive motion of striding out as we run and the pounding on our knees can slowly but surely irritate the patella as it slides past surrounding bones. This pain in one’s knee is often called "runners knee" due to how common it is among runners. Now I am clearly no expert on the matter, so if you would like to read up further on the causes of runners knee, its symptoms, and how to help prevent it as much as possible, please visit

Given that I am not well researched and informed on knee injuries or how to prevent them, I will leave it up to you to look up “runner’s knee” on google and browse through the hundreds of websites and articles that come up. I wanted to write this article simply to remind you all that knee and join issues can be very serious and are not something to joke around about or ignore. I have has a minor experience with knee pain, but I know others on my team who have had much worse knee pain and injuries. My pain arose my freshman year toward the end of my first cross country season ever. I ignored the discomfort for a little while until I realized that I should probably get my knee checked out when it didn’t seem to be getting any better after two weeks. Fortunately for me, there were so few weeks left in the season at that point that I could fight through my knee problem and cause only mild pain. Most people are not this lucky though, so please don’t ignore the knee pain and remember to try your best to follow all the necessary procedures and precautions to ensure that you stay as injury-free as possible. 


This may seem like a rather obvious or pointless thing to say for some of you out there, but socks are a critical piece of clothing to wear when you run. Now I know, most of you wear socks no matter what you are doing when you are wearing close-toes shoes. Usually that is just because wearing socks is the normal thing to do, plus it prevents your feet from sweating like they are in their own personal little saunas. To continue this line of reasoning, when our feet aren’t sweating as much, there is a much less likely chance that any given room will have to evacuate to the fresh outdoors do to the awful odor that our feet can produce. Though the whole smell issue is clearly enough reason to wear socks, some people don’t know that socks have another function of equal or greater importance.
                Socks help prevent blisters from forming, and for anyone who has had a blister on their big toe knows, which I’m guessing is probably anyone who has ever regularly engaged in any physical activity whatsoever,  blisters are not fun. Blisters and calluses usually don’t bother me that much (unless they are those huge blood blisters) but I mean if you can prevent those nasty looking things that cause mild discomfort from infesting your toes, then why wouldn’t you? That is the beauty of the under appreciated sock. They do more for us as runners and human beings than we give them credit for.
                Also something to note the next time you venture out into the great and mysterious word of athletic apparel, the thicker the sock, the less likely it is that it will tear and cause blisters. Running can be harsh on your socks, especially the flimsy little socks with cute designs on them, so spend the extra money on the good socks that will last longer and better protect your feet from blisters and the overbearing smell that they emit. 

Saturday, December 5, 2015


         There seems to be a lot of controversy on the internet over whether or not treadmills can be effective replacements for the outdoors when the weather is simply too harsh. Some say that treadmills don't work your muscles as well because the conveyor belt does the moving for you so you don’t actually have to push yourself forward. Others state that treadmills are easier to run on so it is not giving the runner as effective of a workout. I however am pro-treadmill, and have learned to balance out the cons so that the positives far out way the negatives. 
         In the winter, I have close to zero motivation to go out and get a good run in when the temperature falls below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Not only does the air outside wreak havoc on any exposed skin on your body, the sidewalks can also be dangerously icy, so even if you are one sure-footed fella, your pace is most surly dropping at least a little as you make your way through an icy patch. This means that in these low temperatures you are not only uncomfortable with itchy legs and tight muscles that are hard to get to stride out, but you are probably not even getting as good as a work out as you would on the treadmill. Treadmills provide an environment in which you would be safer, more likely to run farther given that you are more comfortable,and more able travel easier at a faster pace. 
         A few tips that can help offset the treadmills lacking muscle-building abilities is too set your treadmill to a 1 or 2% incline so that your muscles are getting a little bit more taxing of  a workout. This makes the effects of treadmill running quite similar to that of the outdoors. You could also try to make sure you get outside on the nicer days during the winter so that you can still ensure that you are still working and training all of your leg muscles correctly. In addition, simple body weight exercises can help promote and maintain muscle growth and strength, these exercises can include lunges, squats, and many others that are only a google away!
         If you are one who gets bored easily on the treadmill, try listening to music or setting up your phone on the ledge and watching Netflix! This certainly helps pass the time. Another important point to mention is that treadmills are better for your joints than the unforgiving and harsh concrete of sidewalks. The bounce of the treadmill conveyor helps alleviate some of the impact on your knees and ankles that occurs when one runs. So don't rule out treadmills quite yet! Head to the nearest gym and give them a try first!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Secret Santas

 For those of you who don't know, a "Secret Santa" is when a group of people get together and anonymously draw someone from the group to give a present to so that each person gets a present from someone!  This is a great thing to try doing with your track or cross country team! It helps promote team bonding, because you can all open them at a festive and cute little Christmas party, or not! It is also a great way to knock a few people off your Christmas gift list. I mean let’s face it; in high school you probably do not have the means to get a gift for all of your friends. So this is a cheap way to spread Christmas cheer with all of your friends on your team without breaking the bank. Secret Santas are also pretty fun and can help you get to know someone if you don’t know the person on your team whom you drew very well. 

                Initiating the Secret Santa is fairly easy, all you have to do is create a group chat and allow people to add those on the team whose numbers you don’t have. Once the people who want to join have responded to the message you can get a family member to randomly assign people to each other and text each person with the name of who they are to get a present for. All that’s left to do now is decide on a maximum price for the gifts and let the fun begin!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Mia Hamm

Mia Hamm has been my role model when it comes to sports since the time I was a little girl. For those of you who don't know of her legacy, she was the youngest player on the National US Women's Soccer Team, joining at 15. She was an extremely valued part of this trailblazing team that won the gold in the World Cups of 1991 and 1999, and in the Olympics of 1996 and 2004. She herself was named FIFAs World Player of the Year in both 2001 and 2002 and held the record for the most international goals scored until 2013, when American Abby Wambach beat her out. For more information on Mia Hamm and her immense success, please visit
Now you probably see why she was an inspiration for thousands of girls all over the US who aspired to be soccer players. The team of 1991 made a name for US women’s soccer and set the path for the future boom of youth soccer in America. They were truly revolutionary in a sense, and the Women’s National Team has certainly maintained their high respect in the international world, seeing as they won the previous World Cup in the summer of 2015 and have been ranked 1st-3rd in the world continuously since 2003. But why am I telling you all of this? Mia Hamm is an athlete that is known not only for her success, but is also known to have many iconic and inspirational quotes to her name. My favorite quote of hers (and really I suppose of anyone) is about the value of hard work and commitment required in reaching ones true potential.
The vision of a champion is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when nobody else is looking.
               To me this speaks volumes. And I feel that you could take this quote in two different, but equally valid directions. The first way to take it is that a champion does not have to be the one who crosses the finish line first. A true champion is the one who works to be as good as they can possibly be, is determined, and is hungry to reach their potential. We can’t all become Olympic medalists in this lifetime, but we can all become champions in our own right. When one strives for greatness and has the discipline to achieve their own level of personal greatness, then they are champions as well. 
Another way to interpret this quote is that no one can become a champion by being lazy. People only see champions out on the field in all their glory under the lights, but the truth is, 98% of the time they spend play their sport, they are practicing and preparing to achieve in the moments that the fans see. Champions are made at practice and through hard work, not on the field in front of their friends, family, and fans. Champions must train long and hard to achieve greatness, and there are no shortcuts.
So not matter which approach you take when looking at this quote (or maybe of see both?) no one can deny that it is definitely a thought provoking quote for competitive athletes.  Think about this quote the next time you are out by yourself busting you butt, because you may just let it give you the motivation to push through toward your ultimate goal.